How High Homicide Rates Affect Women from Low-Income Communities in Brazil

Originally published at Global Voices on  17 October 2016 Doctors say Joselita de Sousa died of cardiorespiratory failure. But her family says she died of depression. Two weeks before her death, the police officers responsible for her unarmed black teenage son’s death were released from prison on a court order. The portrait of homicide victims in Brazil consists of men, young,

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The Vaccine Revolt in Brazil

By Giovane Batista Assuncao  Originally published at ReVista-Harvard Review of Latin America on August 30, 2020. Epidemics tend to increase economic inequalities. From the beginning of the 20th century to the present, the world has faced five pandemics, including the 1918 Spanish flu, the 1957 Asian influenza, the 1968 Hong Kong

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Teaching Philosophy

By Professor Giovane BatistaWhen people think about the most crucial aspect of education, they think about the importance of helping students to think critically about the world in which they live. Currently, the world’s limits are not a city or country of birth but the actual process called globalization. This

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